Friday, November 28, 2003


Seronok semua berkumpul di Seremban. Happening betul!! Bila sekali-sekala berkumpul ramai2 mcm ni, berbual sakan, makan besar and tgk vcd.

Monday, October 06, 2003



(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat; dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik, dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat); mereka (yang baik) itu akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah) dan pengurniaan yang mulia. (Terjemahan ayat 26 Surah An-Nur).
Terjemahan Hadis 1 Imam Nawawi Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsin 'Umar ibn al-Katthab r.a. beliau berkata: Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke arah perkara yang ditujuinya itu."
Antara pengajaran hadis(ringkasan): Niat adalah teras segala amalan. Amalan baik mesti disertakan niat yang baik. Amalan yang buruk atau amalan yang baik tetapi dijalankan tidak mengikut aturan syara', tidak membawa apa-apa faedah walaupun dilakukan dengan niat yang baik. Demikian juga amalan baik jika diniatkan bukan kerana Allah, seumpama kerana riya', menunjuk-nunjuk atau kerana suatu tujuan duniawi, maka ia tidak memberikan apa-apa faedah. Ulama ada berkata:
"Boleh jadi suatu amalan kecil menjadi besar kerana niat dan suatu amalan yang besar menjadi kecil kerana niat."
Sesuatu amalan dibalas berdasarkan niat pelakunya. Hijrah adalah suatu peristiwa besar dalam lslam di mana umat lslam diperintahkan berhijrah. Sesiapa yang berhijrah kerana Allah dan RasulNya, dia akan dikurniakan pahala besar, sebaliknya jika kerana dunia atau perempuan, maka dia hanya mendapat apa yang diniatkannya. Walaupun hijrah sudah tiada lagi, namun hijrah dengan makna meninggalkan maksiat kepada melakukan taat, ia juga dianggap hijrah yang akan dikurniakan pahala.

Friday, September 19, 2003


Kutip data punya pasal, mai join Kak ziah, Ateh, Bang Yanz and Poey ke Fraser's Hill. Sini la satu-satunya tempat vacation yg paling mai suka....calm n quiet..dah 4 kali rasanya ke sini. Sempat pergi memanah and pergi lepak kat air terjun. Lepas selesai snap some pictures and gathered information at WWFM, we all ronda2 sekitar fraser. Cuci mata tgk rumah2 kat situ... sempat gak la berangan nak tiru english design bila dah mampu nanti..hehehe...semua dlm kreta tu satu kepala. Mlm tu smua bermalam kat Silverpark. Dok sana 2 hari..

Ni tgh kontrol kesejukan...tu yg keras je.. Hmm..nampak berisi sket...

Wednesday, September 10, 2003


Semua nampak tensen je lepas abis exam...Apa la yg Rahman Mardi pikir tu. .hehe Jaya pulak nampak termenung jauh.. Apa-apa pun, makan yg penting. Semua ni kelaparan lepas guna byk tenaga nak jawab tiga exam paper yang susah. W/pun open book, buku-buku tu jadik perhiasan je atas meja.

Ni gamba sebahagian dari coursemates Mai from Bintulu.. Ni semua dtg ke meja makan Mai sebab nak bodek la ni because mai yg jaga test one of three papers. Actually paper tu mai dah amik with senior last semester.. Sorry la ye. Tak dapat nak tolong. Prof.Nor yg tanda paper tu, Mai tolong jaga jer..hehehe

Lepas penat berjalan di sekitar Bintulu, we all buat gathering at one of private club in Bintulu. Masa ni we all tgh tolong Tuan Syed pilih lagu karaoke. Sambil tu denga coursemates from ALAM berduet ngan Prof. Nor. Prof. Mat pun nyanyi gak mlm tu...sakan betul dia org ni. Mai jadik pendenga je mlm tu. Masa tu lapar sgt... dia org serve makanan lewat.
(From left: Mai, DSP Tuan Syed, DSP John Doe from Sabah (lupa nama) and En. Rahman (sony))

Sunday, September 07, 2003


These pictures were taken masa Mai di Bintulu. Lepas selasai FINAL PAPER at Campus Bintulu, we all ke Taman Negara Similajau. Nak lepaskan tensen lepas penat study...

(From left: Aziz (DOSH), Mai and Rahman (SONY))

(From left: Mai, Salim (friend from Oman) and Aziz (DOSH))

Tuesday, May 27, 2003


By Imam Zaid Shakir

In The Name of God, Most Gracious, Most MercifulIf you express gratitude for my blessings, I will increase you in them. [Al-Qur’an 14:7]
The failings of humans in the aftermath of the destruction wreaked by Hurricane Katrina are many. Unfortunately, they are too easy to identify. On the other hand, there are many blessings, which the situation along the Gulf shore serves to highlight. Most of those blessings are things we take for granted. They often times go unnoticed, and therefore, unappreciated. In light of the difficulties facing so many of our fellow citizens in the affected areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, we should all take time to thank God for His many and abundant blessings.
First of all, let us thank God that He inspired so many people to risk their lives and health to save thousands of individuals who were trapped in New Orleans and elsewhere. Let us thank God for the kind souls who have opened their hearts and homes to receive those who have been misplaced by the storm. Let us thank God for the countless merciful souls who are inspired to spend their money to assist those who have been displaced from their homes. Let us thank God for those working tirelessly to connect lost children, the elderly, and physically challenged with their families.
When we awake in the morning and the lights come on to guide us around the house as we prepare to start our day, let us thank God. When we relieve ourselves and we find the means to remove our waste far from our homes let us thank God. When we drive by our rivers and streams, and find that most of them are not soiled by untreated raw sewage let us thank God. When we return home to warm meals, a clean change of clothes, and loving, intact families, let us thank God.
As we survey the aftermath of the storm let us thank God that the devastation was not worse. What would the damage had been had not Katrina weakened from a Category 5 storm to a Category 4 just before making landfall? What would the damage had been if the eye of the storm had passed directly over New Orleans, instead of turning towards less populated areas? What would have resulted if the flooding in New Orleans had been immediate and occurred at the height of the storm, in the middle of the night as people slept or were surrounded by total darkness? Let us thank God that so far the death toll in Louisiana is in the hundreds and not the thousands as predicted.
Let us thank God for blessing the overwhelming majority of us with health, sustenance, services, homes, and family. Let us thank God for showering His Mercy upon us in ways great and small. Let us thank God for blessing us to understand a purpose for our lives at a time when many are spiritually lost. This latter point is a blessing of unimaginable import.
Finally, let us be pleased with God’s Decree no matter what it contains, for no matter what it contains, His Decree brings good for the believer. Let us also thank God for the gift of faith. Faith allows us to deal with the calamities of this world with dignity and composure. Our Noble Prophet reminds us,

Truly amazing is the affair of the believer. His affair only contains good.
That realization only occurs for the believer.
If he is blessed with good he thanks God and in that there is good.
And if he is afflicted with difficulty he patiently endures and in that there is good.
Sahih Muslim #7425
What You Can Do
1. Ramadan is coming. This is a month of charity and giving. Every Muslim, young and old should set aside a dollar a day for each day of the fast. At the end of the month, Muslims in a single area or those who frequent a particular Mosque should pool their monies and send them to a reputable relief organization that is working with the survivors of the Gulf disaster. The money can also be given directly to displaced storm survivors who have settled in your area. The names and addresses of such individuals can be obtained from one’s local Red Cross, or City Hall.
We can recommend that you send the money gathered at the end of Ramadan to: Islamic Relief / PO Box 6098 / Burbank, CA 91510 / 888.479.4968 / Tax ID #95-4453134.
2. The Night of Power (Laytul-Qadr), 27 Ramadan, is one of our most blessed nights. Usually, the mosques are full on that night. We should undertake fundraisers in every Mosque in America on that blessed night and donate the proceeds to the survivors of Katrina.
3. Zakat, our binding annual charity, is usually given in Ramadan. There are valid Islamic opinions that this money can be given to non-Muslims in the category of “those whose hearts can be favorably disposed towards Islam (Mu’allafa Qulubuhum).” For those who do not accept this opinion, there are many Muslims who lost everything in the aftermath of the storm. We will endeavor to develop a list of their names and a means to get money to them. We should all donate a percentage, if not all, of our annual Zakat to those affected by the storm and its aftermath.
These are practical measures within all of our means, God-willing. We should rise to the occasion and show this country the good that is in our community. Resolve to undertake one or all of these measures now. May God bless you and bless all of those legions of good, ordinary people who have shown extraordinary kindness and courage in assisting those affected by the great disaster that has afflicted the Gulf coast of this country.
Imam Zaid Shakir

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Surah Al-Kauthsar

Surah ini paling pendek, hanya mengandungi 3 ayat & diturunkan di Makkah dan bermaksud sungai di syurga. Kolam sungai ini diperbuat daripada batu permata nan indah dan cantik. Rasanya lebih manis daripada madu, warnanya pula lebih putih daripada susu dan lebih wangi daripada kasturi.

Surah ini disifatkan sebagai surah penghibur hati Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. kerana diturunkan ketika baginda bersedih atas kematian 2 orang yang dikasihi iaitu anak lelakinya Ibrahim dan bapa saudaranya Abu Talib.

Pelbagai khasiat terkandung di dalam surah ini dan boleh kita amalkan:-

1) Baca surah ini ketika hujan dan berdoa, mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t. makbulkan doa kita.

2) Jika kita kehausan dan tiada air, bacalah surah ini dan gosok di leher, Insya'Allah hilang dahaga

3) Jika sering sakit mata, seperti berair, gatal, bengkak, sapukan air mawar yang sudah dibacakan surah ini sebanyak 10x pada mata.

4) Jika rumah dipercayai terkena sihir, baca surah ini 10x, mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t. bagi ilham pada kita dimana letaknya sihir itu.

5) Jika membacanya 1,000x rezeki kita akan bertambah.

6) Jika rajin membacanya, hati kita akan menjadi lembut dan khusyuk ketika menunaikan solat.

7) Jika orang teraniaya dan terpenjara membacanya sebanyak 71x, Allah s.w.t. akan memberikan bantuan kepadanya kerana dia tidak bersalah tetapi dizalimi.

Friday, April 11, 2003


(Front from left: Mai, Kak Bad, Kak As, Ana, Bahria and her friend)
(Behind from left: Ahmed, Mus and Siva)
Farewell party ni we all (Mai, Siva, Bashria, Selma, Mus, Kak As and Kak Bad) buat khas utk Ahmed (Dr. Ahmed Elfaig). Pada hari tu, Mai bwk 2 blueberry cheese cake (buat sendiri tau), Kak As bwk bihun and mee goreng, Kak Bad bawak nasi masak kismis with chicken curry, Bashria and Selma lak bawak masakan n manisan ala Sudan. Hari tu juga Mohamed Sokouhi dtg. He came along with his wifey g baru je sampai from Iran. His wife is so sweet... sporting lak tu. Siap bwk 2 masakan khas utk party ni. Selain tu, ramai gak international students yg dtg bwk makanan. Memang tak sangka parti yg pada mulanya nak buat sederhana dapat sambutan besar-besaran....
Ahmed recieved his Phd last month and will fly back home to Sudan. Sedih rasanye.. Ahmed la penyeri kat lab. Lepas ni sunyi la we all kat sini.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

10 ESSENTIAL HEALTH TIPS (The Basics to Practice Every Day)

"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything."
-Arabian Proverb
1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!
2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
10. Choose Your Parents Well
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.

Monday, February 03, 2003


This is my dearest brothers from ERP GROUP. From left: Mirzan, Intizam and Rahman. After the threesome dress up in orange overall, they all looks extra full size and healthier..haha. I couldn't imagine how they will do their first stunt, the flying fox. The rest pictures above are my other brothers in the group. They all taking good care of me when I'm in Bintulu and always "belanja makan" hehehe.. Yes, since I'm the only girl and the youngest in the group.
Actually, all these pictures were taken during their fire fighter training and certification programs at Jabatan Bomba. Intizam emailed me the photos as I couldn't attend the courses since I'm in Structure B courses and they all in Structure C courses (master courses without thesis).

Picture from left: Zohairi = nampak kepala je (ALAM), Jayakumar (Intel, Penang), Zulkefle (ALAM), Harris (Sony), Rahman (Sony), Pak Arab from Oman (not in my batch).

From left: Azam (ALAM), Intizam (Sony), Aziz (DOSH), Mirzan (UPM), Zohairi (ALAM), Jayakumar (Intel), Zohairi (ALAM), Salim (from Jordan), John Doe I (Pegawai Bomba), Vasu (UPM), Harris (SONY), John Doe II (from Oman), Rahman (Sony), Salleh (ALAM), Chin Loong (APM).

I also have other pictures with my seniors eg. Sis Rafidah, Major (Rtd) Hamzah, Ir.Gunasegaran etc. I will upload it in here when I'm free.

Saturday, January 11, 2003


(From left: Mai, Bashria n Kak Bad)

(From left: Kak Bad. Kak As and Bashria)

These pictures were taken after me tired squeezed the juice out from my brain for five assignments in the lab. Yeah.Have it all done before the dateline next week. Bravo for the the first week of my master. Don't know if this kind of mind-set last forever...